Nova Goh Born and breed in Borneo where the land is full of wonderful and exotic culture - the land of the hornbill. Went to Taiwan in 1999 to further study in Visual Communication at National Taiwan University of Arts. During his stay in Taiwan as a foreign student, he was influenced by the promising growth of Indie Movie scene, and started to involve into various short film making projects. In year 2008, went back to homeland in Borneo to begin Red Rain on The Equator project
, where he directed his first full length documentary.
吴康豪,生于婆罗洲,并成长于这片充满着热带风光,人称“犀鸟之乡”的土地。1999年,远赴台湾国立艺术大学攻读视觉传达。在台留学期间,因深受当时当地活跃的独立电影场景影响而开始拍摄短片。2008 年,回到其故乡婆罗洲,开始执导其第一部记录长片<赤道雨>。