The director learned of both his family's past and the revolutionary movement in his hometown of Borneo when he received a letter from his mother. The film reveals the forgotten history of the Malaysian independence movement and unearths the story of the former guerrilla fighters who threw their entire being into the subsequent revolution. While the revolutionaries now lead ordinary lives, their youth is brought back to us through private footage recorded of their training and life in the mountains. Using the historical stage of the invasion as a backdrop, the film explores that Chinese Identity which lives just beneath the equator.
The director learned of both his family's past and the revolutionary movement in his hometown of Borneo when he received a letter from his mother. The film reveals the forgotten history of the Malaysian independence movement and unearths the story of the former guerrilla fighters who threw their entire being into the subsequent revolution. While the revolutionaries now lead ordinary lives, their youth is brought back to us through private footage recorded of their training and life in the mountains. Using the historical stage of the invasion as a backdrop, the film explores that Chinese Identity which lives just beneath the equator.
从母亲寄来的一封信,导演获悉了其亲戚的过往及其故乡婆罗洲所发生过的一场革命。影片揭示了被遗忘的北婆罗洲独立运动史-前游击队员在镜头面前讲述他们如何献身于革命,如何至死不渝的信仰共产主义。当斗争从最高潮到突如其来的崩解,当生活日趋平淡,他们的青春却经由未曾曝光的毛片,意外的展示于世人面前:军中生活的点点滴滴,森林里集体生存的意志,所有发光的回忆… 结合历史舞台剧的铺陈,也藉此探讨了赤道下华人的生存语境。